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Friday, August 31, 2007

A New Collab Thing

Well, Beth Kern and I put our thinking caps on, and came up with a Scrapz Duo. This is a back to school themed collab called Back to the Books. Chock full of themed and un-themed elements and papers, in a color scheme PERFECT for this time of year.

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I'm sure this will help get those frazzled "end of summer" brain cells back into the swing of things. I know this is a crazy time of year for me. Seth, my oldest son, who is 8, started 3rd grade on Wednesday. So far so good. He's been excited and enthusiastic about going, so that is a plus! Leah, my oldest daughter, who is 5, starts Kindergarten next Thursday. She is BEYOND excited. Really. The girl has been pushing her "10 days til Kindergarten" countdown chart at me since May 17th. No joke! So FINALLY we've gotten to actually get that bad boy out and mark off some squares! MUCH to her, and my, relief! In other news, my youngest son, Isaac, who is 3, has been a HOLY terror. "In a second.", "NO!", and "I hate you!" are a few of his choice phrases these days. I do not know WHERE my sweet baby boy went, but he's been replaced by the son of the devil(only half joking). I'm hoping this is just a late start to the "terrible two's", but we'll see. Thank goodness for my sweet darling Ruby.She s just as loving as ever. She started walking about 2 weeks ago, and the little pitter-pat of her bare feet is like angels singing! Seriously, it is such a cute cute sound. Both her and Leah had to get shots last week. Four for Leah(OMG-the agony of holding down a child who is literally half of your size and shouts "I hate you!" midway through!) and three shots for Ms. Ruby. I know. I know. It's for the best. It is still a hard thing to do. I can't imagine being a nurse, that may be the worst in that situation. But I am now the lucky mom of 2 fully vaccinated girls. Shew! Well, everyone(ya!), I'm off to finish up dinner...and maybe scrap for a bit. Thanks for making it this far!

Monday, August 13, 2007

A Free Camera Thing

Mike, from Stay At Home Dad, Geek Style, is having a give-away. He has this blog that talks about his work, which he does from home, in order to stay at home with his daughter. He talks about his day to day routine, his trials and tribulations as a young Dad, and the amazingly funny & entertaining things that happen when you are a stay-at-home parent. It is so interesting to see this from such a different perspective, a MAN! I've enjoyed browsing through his posts and checking out his site.

In his Stay At Home Dad Digital Camera Give-Away, he is giving away a brand new Canon PowerShot SD750, and all you have to do is make a post like this one! Now how easy-peasy is that, Lemon Squeezy? I hope you'll check it out! A scrapbooker can ALWAYS use another camera, right?

*blog header credits: glitter vignette-Lisa Whitney / wings-Amanda Roberts / newspaper star-Faith True / background brush-Nancie Janitz Rowe / stitching-Christine Nash / fonts-turbo ripped, verve, and upirpaw