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Monday, September 24, 2007

A gemstone thing...

I'm playing along with the "From Our Blog to Yours" at SSD, this week. Here is the fun little activity they had. A quiz about what kind of gemstone you are. I LOVE what was chosen for me. Aquamarine is probably my FAVORITE gemstone.

Your Gemstone is Aquamarine

Intuitive, tranquil, and trusting.
You inspire others to have faith in themselves.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A New ES Blog Challenge Thing

As you may or may not know, I am onthe site CT for Elemental Scraps. GREAT team, fun girls, fabulous product to play with. Well, anyways-I get to do one of the 2 bi-weekly challenges this week! I even made a layered PSD template to help you along, I'd love for you to check it out!

ES Blog Challenge #4

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There are prizes involved, and who doesn't love a good prize?

As for other news, there's not any! LOL, my life is boring, but that can be good, ya know!? My oldest 2 are back to school, my youngest 2are as crazy beautiful, the daycare kids are cute and mischievious, DH is working hard, I'm procrastinating from doing some design work, all as usual. Well, thanks for stopping in and taking a sneak peak of my week. Hope you'll stop by the ES blo, and play along.

*blog header credits: glitter vignette-Lisa Whitney / wings-Amanda Roberts / newspaper star-Faith True / background brush-Nancie Janitz Rowe / stitching-Christine Nash / fonts-turbo ripped, verve, and upirpaw