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Monday, April 23, 2007

Help support a great cause...

I've recently contributed a few items for acharity kit called Gymnaestrada. This kit is HUG and is only $8 - it contains 50 papers and over 80 elements (size 226MB). A lot of designers also contributed. This kit was headed up by Shelleyrae Cusbert. What a caring person she is. This kit is benefiting a group of admirable kids.

Contributing designers are:

Rachel Knight
Laurie Slawta
Brenda Kempf
Lori Wiley
Rachel Martin
Katja Kromann
Natalie Bird
Bernadette Hunt

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The World Gymnaestrada is an invitation only international event that attracts more competitors than the Olympics. It is held every four years, this year it is hosted in Dorbin, Austria on July 8, 2007. The cost of the two week event is AUD$6000 per child and the children have been working hard to raise money. All of the money raised by the purchase of this kit will go to the general fundraising account for the team of eleven, aged between 8 and 21, and all of the money will be distributed evenly between the eleven children. Thank you for the support! If you'd like to see more info about the event please visit their team website or the event website

1 comment:

Maggie Lamarre said...

Beautiful kit such a great cause.


*blog header credits: glitter vignette-Lisa Whitney / wings-Amanda Roberts / newspaper star-Faith True / background brush-Nancie Janitz Rowe / stitching-Christine Nash / fonts-turbo ripped, verve, and upirpaw