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Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Lightroom Thing after months of seeing it mentioned here and there in forums and galleries...I finally downloaded the trial version today. There should be a discaimer on this software-something like ::warning-this software is digital crack: 15 minutes into playing with itand I'm HOOKED. The hype was right. This thing is seriously FUN. AND I was able to scout out a few freebie presets so I could play around even more! How exciting. So I wanted to share. Here are a few links to some gorgeous FREE presets:

Inside Lightroom
Kelsey Smith
Jack Davis
Various Artists

and here are some links to some amazing preset for sale:

Victoria Feemster
Michelle Pearson
Simonetta Rossi


Amy B. said...

That looks awesome! I do not need to get hooked on one more thing. LOL And, my husband thinks I do not need to spend money on one more thing :)

Patricia said...

Thanks for sharing!!

Carjazi - aka Diane said...

I'm so not even looking at what you did with your Lightroom. I know exactly what digital crack will do to me. lol. I've got too much stuff and not enough time to scrap it. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi and of course GO BUCKS!!

Kutnkudlys' Kreations said...

Great links, thanks for sharing!

Sara E said...

oh yea.... it is tons of fun to play with..............but,'s just something else to get me sidetracked

Unknown said...

Still trying to resist the Lightroom thing - but i could easily be persuaded.

Snazzle said...

It's easy to hold out when you're broke.. hehe.. but I can live vicariously through you. Pimp that Lightroom all you want, but show PICS of what you've done. *hehe*

Michelle said...

If I got started on lightroom, my husband would probably have to hide the computer.

Tania said...

Hi, My name is Tania and I am a Lightroom-a-holic.

I have to post some of my favorite lightroom presets that I use for most if not ALL of my photography. These presets ROCK!!

Kubota Lightroom presets and
Brody Dexember Lightroom Presets.

Anonymous said...

Free B&W conversion preset



*blog header credits: glitter vignette-Lisa Whitney / wings-Amanda Roberts / newspaper star-Faith True / background brush-Nancie Janitz Rowe / stitching-Christine Nash / fonts-turbo ripped, verve, and upirpaw