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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Don't leave me, the sloths and pantry climbers are invading!

I think my kids wake up and secretly synchronize their watches! They all seem to have those "off" days all on the SAME day. My oldest was moving at a sloth's pace this morning, being rude to his sister and his cousin, being disrespectful in both tone and manner to me, standing in the bathroom with the water running and the door closed with a dry toothbrush in hand, telling me he'd brushed his teeth, and attempting to put his clothes on OVER his pajamas. My youngest son is almost 3 and VERY independant and EVERY other word is "NO!" or "I don't like it!". When not being disagreeable, he can usually be found jumping onto or off of the couch, climbing the pantry shelves, or haphazardly throwing all of the tools from his Elmo Workbench. It drives me batty. My youngest daughter, almost 10 months, is teething AND going through a phase of seperation anxiety, which when translated to a home where I am here every second, means she NEVER wants to leave my arms. I spend half of my day just sitting here playing, rocking, and nursing her in front of my computer. The only child acting half way calm and normal, is my oldest daughter. She has pleasantly surprised me today, and has been being so helpful. Bringing the baby toys, playing with her brother and the daycare kids, and playing quietly by herself. She also helped me choose lunch and helped me set and clear the lunch table! I'm hoping to make it to the end of the day, but having a DH who works outside all day, usually means he is drained of all energy and patience by the time he walks into the door. So I'm probably on my own. If you see a blog from me here tomorrow, you'll know I survived it all. If not, send reinforcements and it wouldn't hurt if one of them was stocked with a nice bottle of wine, a heating pad, and some cucumbers for my eyes! I'll need them all! ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, I take it today's one of those days you'd like to send them all back? Hope things improve!


*blog header credits: glitter vignette-Lisa Whitney / wings-Amanda Roberts / newspaper star-Faith True / background brush-Nancie Janitz Rowe / stitching-Christine Nash / fonts-turbo ripped, verve, and upirpaw