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Monday, April 30, 2007

Busy weekend...

I'm one of those people who likes a busy weekend. I'm not one for naps or propping my feet up in a hammock. I like to go, go, go. This weekend was one of those busy weekends that I love! Friday night we ordered a big family dinner from our local pizzaria. Hawaiian pizza, cheesy garlic bread, a meatball sub, and some wings. YUM. I've been craving some good hot wings, and these helped satisfy that craving. Then we ordered Eragon on pay-per-view. My 2 year old loves action-adventure movies. Saturday, we played around the house, all the kids got baths and showers, and we got ready to go to my niece's 4th birthday party. Of course, being the procrastinatir that I am, I had to drag all 4 kids into the local Kohl's, on the way to the party, as I had not yet bought a present. BUT Kohl's was having a HUGE sale, and I not only got my niece a few adorable little sun dresses, but Leah and Ruby both got a dress each, and I picked up some new CUTE CUTE tops for myself. I felt a tad guilty, as I

am not one to spend money on myself, but I had recently gone through my summer clothes, and got rid of a lot of ratty old things that had seen better days, as well as donating a lot of stuff that was just not fitting anymore. I seem to be one of those backwards women, who gets smaller after each pregnancy and child birth. Breast feeding and pregnancy really speed up my metabolism, so my clothes have started hanging on me. I really like what I got:

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Leah got this dress:

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Ruby got this dress:

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I had so much fun just shopping and having a good time.

Saturday night, I went out with my best friend, Adrienne. We've been friends for 12 years. She's such a hoot. We met at a local bar to have a few drinks and see a band. Her dad's band actually. LOVE going out to see them. In case you want to check them out...

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We had so much fun, acted like fools, danced, laughed, and danced some more. It felt really really good to just let loose for a night. Sunday was sort of lazy...I actually went back to Kohl's with my sister Stacey, SIL Lindsey, and best friend Adrienne. We carted ALL 10 f our combined kids up there, was nuts. The sales people were glaring, but made sure to straighten up racks and buns behind the whirlwind. I'm just like that. Then we had my sister Stacey and her husband Dan and their boys, along with my other SIL Amber, and her husband Jason, and their boys, my MIL Jean, and BIL Dominic-all over for a cookout. That was great! We had a few steaks, some BBQ chicken, hotdogs for the kids, some yummy pasta salad, and the BEST roasted asparagus. My SIL actually ended up running back up to the store to grab 2 more bunches of it, so we could make more. Then we just relaxed and watched the kids play and have some ice cream cones. It was great. I hope you had a good weekend as well.


Anonymous said...

ohhh wow .. its soulds like a super weekend. and you got some pretty great clothes! i cringe when i have to take my kids in a store.... you have guts..

Wendy said...

Wow! I'm a lazy weekend person,lol Love all the cute goodies you picked up!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like a super fun weekend! And all the food you mentioned just made me hungry... LOL

Kirstie said...

gee you got some great buys there. Wish I had the problem of getting smaller after each pregnancy - I've had 3 babes and am 40 pounds heavier than pre babies!


*blog header credits: glitter vignette-Lisa Whitney / wings-Amanda Roberts / newspaper star-Faith True / background brush-Nancie Janitz Rowe / stitching-Christine Nash / fonts-turbo ripped, verve, and upirpaw