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Monday, January 29, 2007

Am I Snow White?

Maybe you're thinking "why does she think she's a princess?". Well, It's not that I think that I'm a princess, it's that my husband seems to think he is Grumpy, the dwarf from Snow White. He wakes up in a horrible, seething, grumpy mood almost everyday. Grumbling under his breath, stomping, slamming doors. I know he detests his job, but what he doesn't realize is he sets the tone for everyone elses day too. I wish he could figure out a way to find atleast one good thing to think about each morning, to atleast get him out the door without leaving a trail of grey clouds behind him. So now I am starting this cold, snowy, miserable Monday off in a bad mood. Argh!

Oh, on a happier, less grumpy note, I started a small kit this weekend. By small I mean big. I'm hoping to give it away as a freebie later this week! I'm just horribly slow at getting my files all saved and organized and zipped and uploading things to a sharing site. :) But be on the look out...and here is a little sneak peek:


Anonymous said...

Get him a hobby !! So he can let of steam !

Anonymous said...

I would suggest to your DH to find an interesting hobby, so he can set his mind off things (WORK). He will be much happier than

Pea in a Pod said...

Awww.hugs to you,hon! I hope DH will be happier soon..

And OMG! You are making a new kit!? Girl, you are AWESOME! I love the sneak peeks! I can't wait :)

Cheryl said... funny is this; my hubby did the same thing yesterday. Ever heard the phrase "if Mom ain't happy, no one is." It goes for Dad's too!

ymA said...

Well then, I will have to look for a LO with a big red arrow saying For Sale Husband -lol. I hope your day gets better.

Anonymous said...

Well, congratulations on your kit, those paper snippets look very nice.

As for the other part of your blogging, I tell you, I can totally sympathize with dh, but maybe you can leave him a small note in that he won't find until he's getting ready for work in the morning. A love note or something. You know? Something that he won't be able to resist smiling about early in the morning. Then you'd kinda be taking control of the situation and helping him to relieve the early morning stress of the home. Let us know if you try something and it works :)

Melissa said...

LOVE the snow white and grumpy analogy! Hope your day gets better!

Heather Heinzer said...

Sorry you're living with Grumpy. No great advice or anything, but know you're not alone!

Jen said...

Girl, I didn't know you design! I can't wait to see it.

Sorry to hear about grumpy! LOL

jennyr said...

cool! a freebie...i'll wait for that!

ur DH is having a bad day huh? My DH when grumpy, i call him "dark clouds"!

Rebecca H. said...

i can 100% relate to having a grumpy husband who leaves you alone with a house full of kids while he heads off to a job that he can't stand! I know it's tough to keep a good mood when someone else is oh so gloomy. but, i've learned that no one else can steel my joy if i don't let them have it. i now refuse to let DH's mood dictate mine. I see no reason for us BOTH to have a bad day. At first, it drove him made because i wasn't miserable too, but now it seems like it might possibly cheer him u a bit when he comes home. best of luck finding some cheer!


*blog header credits: glitter vignette-Lisa Whitney / wings-Amanda Roberts / newspaper star-Faith True / background brush-Nancie Janitz Rowe / stitching-Christine Nash / fonts-turbo ripped, verve, and upirpaw